Huabao Golden Samurai UPS power supply helps the education industry

2020-05-07  views:2743

Huabao Power 2020.5.7

In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, my country's education has made great progress and achieved remarkable results. However, this year's new crown pneumonia epidemic has put forward new educational issues for the education industry in China. In order not to delay students' learning when students are unable to come to school, the Ministry of Education requires schools at all levels to make full use of Internet IT technology and use webcast to students. We teach to ensure that students complete the courses that should be completed in the school classroom in accordance with the normal schedule.

 Local governments at all levels actively responded to the notice issued by the Ministry of Education and invested a lot of manpower and material resources to raise funds to purchase equipment, especially in the vast rural areas of central and northwestern China. In any case, conditions must be created to satisfy the live webcast so that every student can synchronize. Receive webcast education, education cannot let a child be absent.

 The power grids in the rural areas of central and northwestern China are relatively weak. Voltage instability and power outages from substations often occur. In order to ensure the continuous class and teaching effects of schools in various places, Huabao Golden Samurai UPS Power Supply has cooperated with many provinces and cities. The school installs supporting Huabao Golden Samurai power supply ST series high-frequency online UPS, green environmental protection, advanced DSP technology, and intelligent Huabao Golden Samurai UPS power supply has been very efficient in the past March and April for schools across the country. Provides perfect power protection. Continue to ensure the teaching process of schools in various places, so that every child has the same learning opportunity. Huabao Golden Samurai UPS power supply has made new contributions in the battle against the new crown epidemic.

The senior management of Huabao Golden Samurai UPS Power Supply Company deeply felt the importance of the education industry in response to the situation of the epidemic. Immediately introduce fully automatic production lines, update and eliminate old equipment, and develop and produce higher-tech UPS power products in order to help the country's education development.