2021-04-16  views:3184

Data is the most important factor of production in the digital age, and the data center is the only carrier that carries data storage, analysis, and calculation, and is an important new type of infrastructure for urban digital transformation. From ubiquitous cloud computing, to financial digital currency blockchain, high-end intelligent manufacturing, urban rail transit, medical services, education and training, government, business services and other economic life, all aspects of economic life are inseparable from data center computing power and cloud. Network support.


   In March 2021, the "Outline of the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and Long-Term Goals for 2035" clearly put forward the requirements for accelerating the construction of new infrastructure such as data centers. In April of the same year, Shanghai, the domestic financial center, made rapid response arrangements. The Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Coordinated Construction of the City's Data Center in 2021." The data center development pattern of "meeting needs, focusing on functions, balanced layout, efficient and green, and outstanding performance" is the rapid implementation and consolidation of the Shanghai government's 14th Five-Year Plan.


   Rigid demand for computing power and limited resources: Urban data center construction faces a dilemma


   Throughout the construction and development of data centers in cities, there are always two basic physical constraints: space and energy. Limited and discrete space will cause data center resources to be dispersed and expansion limited, unable to take advantage of the intensive scale, and computing power will decrease; insufficient energy will directly cause the data center to be unable to operate. In recent years, the data center has been caused by tight power supply quotas. Cases of forced closure are not uncommon.


   On one side is the rigid demand for computing power in the digital economy and the digital society, and on the other side is the increasingly tense urban resources. How to choose and balance? As a forerunner, Shanghai took the lead in giving a reference answer: On the one hand, it should clarify the orientation of functional requirements and do something. Starting from the positioning of Shanghai's economy, finance, trade, shipping, and technological innovation center, it focuses on meeting the computing power needs of core industries. On the other hand, newly-built data centers are clustered according to key development areas, rationally distributed, taking advantage of intensification and scale, and fully considering supporting resources such as land use and power; at the same time, green and energy-saving are emphasized, and new projects are integrated PUE (Data Center Energy Utilization Efficiency Index). Control it below 1.3.


   Resource guarantee and technological innovation: the construction of urban data centers goes hand in hand


   In addition to resource policy guidance, Shanghai has proposed to introduce technologies such as IPv6, lossless networking, and software-defined networking to improve data center performance and computing power utilization efficiency through technological innovation, as an important part of Shanghai's data center construction plan.


  IPv6 provides the ubiquitous connection of computing power. From the interconnection of everyone to the intelligent connection of all things, the demand for IP addresses in the network has increased exponentially; the data center is the computing power center of the intelligent world, and IPv6 has become the basic demand for interconnection. The 14th Five-Year Plan and the 2035 long-term goal outline also clearly pointed out that "comprehensively promote the commercial deployment of Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6)." There are still a large number of IPv4 in existing data centers, and how to smoothly evolve from IPv4 to IPv6 has become one of the core demands. Among them, traditional high-performance computing and centralized storage use InfiniBand and FibreChannel (FC) private network architectures, which are not compatible with IPv6. The replacement of private networks by Ethernet has become an inevitable technological development.


   Lossless Ethernet provides the deterministic quality of computing power. The trend of data center network Ethernetization is obvious. With the joint efforts of the Internet, operators, ICT manufacturers, and computer room hardware builders, lossless Ethernet technology is developing rapidly. In 2019, the lossless network test specification was released and commercialized. Compared with the average 0.1% packet loss rate of traditional Ethernet, lossless Ethernet can achieve absolutely zero packet loss and eliminate server resource idling caused by data retransmission. Under the same server cluster scale, the application of zero packet loss lossless Ethernet can double the computing power and reduce the energy consumption of unit computing power by 50%.


   Software-defined network provides automatic guarantee of computing power. Under the guidance of intensive construction, the scale of the data center is not less than 3000 standard racks in principle, and the management scale can reach 300,000 nodes after the use of virtualization technology, and the network management is bound to be upgraded to automation and intelligence. At present, some domestic commercial banks require the network to be closed-loop on the same day as required by the day. This is unthinkable in the traditional operation and maintenance era where manual commands are typed and network changes take several days at every turn.


   With the in-depth interpretation of the requirements for data center construction in the 14th Five-Year Plan and the 2035 long-term goal outline, I believe that various provinces, cities, and local data center construction guidelines will be released one after another. With data as the core production factor, the data center computing power base is constructed, and the data center network has great value and space for increasing computing power. As a data center hardware construction provider, Golden Samurai UPS Power is willing to work with customers and partners to create excellent practices in urban data center construction, and make positive contributions to accelerating the construction of digital economy and digital society.