2021-08-12  views:3600

The new round of scientific and technological revolution is intertwined with industrial changes, and global scientific and technological competition is becoming more intense. Scientific and technological innovation is vital to the transformation of economic development power and the country's prosperity, and has become the top priority of the scientific and technological development of all countries. Based on the scientific and technological development strategies of various countries, the Industrial Economics Research Institute of a domestic research institute proposed that a new generation of information technology, life and health and clean energy will become the "three major" focal points of the global scientific and technological strategy. We should track the development trend of the global scientific and technological strategy in real time and take the lead We will face up to the hot and difficult issues in development, deepen reforms, grasp innovation, and promote my country’s scientific and technological innovation to a new level.


   1. The "three major" focal points of the global science and technology strategy


   1. The new generation of information technologies such as semiconductors, artificial intelligence, and 5G have become the new commanding heights of the national science and technology strategy


   The new generation of information technology has high added value and can empower the industry, accelerate its transformation and upgrading, and improve competitiveness. It is a must for the science and technology strategy of all countries, and it will dominate the competitiveness of a country in the future. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, in addition to complying with the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation trends, countries are affected by the impact of the epidemic, and the actual demand for artificial intelligence technology is also increasing.


   European countries have made it clear that they will strengthen their control and dominance over artificial intelligence and other technical fields. South Korea’s science and technology strategy focuses on artificial intelligence and semiconductors, and vigorously promotes the upgrading and opening of digital platforms, the development of artificial intelligence technology standards, and the creation of talent echelons. Japan’s science and technology strategy focuses on the research and development of robots that can learn and act independently and live in symbiosis with humans. smart robot. In addition to its artificial intelligence strategy, the United States has also focused its technological development on network security. While suppressing the development of China's 5G industry, the United States vigorously promotes the development of 5G technology and infrastructure construction in the United States.


  2, life and health fields such as biosafety, gene therapy, vaccine research and development have become the frontiers of scientific and technological strategies to ensure people's livelihood


   The global epidemic is spreading, and all countries are generally aware of the importance of life and health-related technologies to the healthy and sustainable development of the national economy. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, life and health technologies such as biosafety, gene therapy, and vaccine research and development have become the top priorities for technological development and breakthroughs in various countries. The United Kingdom, the United States, and other countries have not done enough to control the epidemic, and the domestic economy has been severely affected. Vaccine research and drug development have become one of their scientific and technological strategic priorities, and they all advocate increasing financial investment. While promulgating the "Biosafety Law", Russia has continuously increased its efforts to tackle key problems in genetic technology, and proposed to continuously improve the genetic technology route and establish a genetic information database. Japan's science and technology strategy also pays great attention to the field of life and health, focusing on the ultra-early prediction and prevention of diseases.


  3. Clean energy will become the focus of energy reform in the future. Hydrogen energy, biofuels, wind and nuclear energy will occupy a dominant position in the energy structure


   Based on national energy security and the need to improve the level of ecological and environmental protection, countries have focused on the R&D and application of clean energy-related technologies. Germany has formulated the "National Hydrogen Strategy" and plans to invest 9 billion euros to build Germany into a "global leading supplier of modern hydrogen technology." The Brazilian government focuses on the development of biofuels (bioethanol and biodiesel), and plans to increase the proportion of renewable energy in the national energy structure to 45% and biofuels to 18% by 2030. In addition, the application of wind energy and nuclear energy technology in the field of electricity, hydrogen fuel cells and charging piles for new energy vehicles will also usher in explosive growth, and clean energy is expected to occupy a larger proportion in the energy structure.



2. Contributions and Suggestions


   1. Take advantage of the new national system under the conditions of the socialist market economy, implement and improve the technological innovation capabilities of key core industries from the national strategic level


Optimize the combination of R&D layout and industry selection, anchor the new generation of electronic information technology represented by "semiconductor and artificial intelligence, 5G" and life and health represented by "biosafety, gene therapy, vaccine research and development", "hydrogen energy, biological Clean energy represented by "fuels, wind energy and nuclear energy", as well as cutting-edge fields such as aerospace and high-end equipment, promote the formulation and implementation of a number of strategic scientific plans, major scientific and technological projects, and high-end scientific projects from the perspective of national planning. Further guide universities, scientific research institutes, enterprises, and local governments related to key core industries to form multi-level and all-round new scientific and technological innovation cooperation relationships such as information feedback, resource sharing, and scientific research and development, and work together to promote national key laboratories and national key laboratories. Construction of key engineering centers and industrial innovation highlands.


  2. Clarify the scientific and technological development ideas of "upstream tackling key problems, midstream transformation, and downstream feeding back", and accurately improve the technological innovation capabilities of key core industries from the perspective of the entire industry chain


  In the upstream field of the industrial chain, the focus is on core technologies and key components. It is necessary to clarify the list of scientific and technological breakthroughs and to understand the "shortcomings" of my country's key core industries in the areas of core technologies and key components. It is also necessary to give full play to the main role of enterprises in scientific and technological innovation, and support high-quality enterprises to work together to break through weak links in the industrial chain.


  In the middle reaches of the industrial chain, the emphasis is on increasing technological transformation and expanding production capacity. Guide and support enterprises to further deepen the "integration of industrialization and industrialization", accelerate the advancement of technological transformation and intelligent application, promote the upgrading of enterprise technology, and accelerate the process of enterprise digitization.


   In the downstream areas of the industrial chain, the emphasis is on strengthening the docking of all links in the industrial chain. Encourage enterprises to actively explore domestic and foreign markets, and immediately link upstream design and midstream production in data processing, production planning, integration solutions, and market services to complete a benign industry closed loop.


  3. Closely follow the frontier research of key core industry foundations, increase financial support, government fund investment, tax reduction and exemption, government procurement and other policies to provide precise support for key basic theories, common basic technologies and other fields


   Based on the WTO Subsidy and Countervailing Agreement, for scientific research institutes, universities, technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises and other subjects related to key core industries, increase financial funds to support them in basic frontier research fields. It is recommended that the government invest in the establishment of a large fund or fund of funds for key core industries, and strictly adopt a market-oriented operation model to screen for science and technology projects or companies with long-term development prospects in basic technologies and basic theories, and carry out continuous investment to avoid capital inflows in "short, flat and fast" projects . Continue to release "tax reduction and fee reduction" policy dividends, focusing on releasing more technology policy dividends for subjects engaged in scientific research activities, such as increasing the ratio of R&D super deduction from 75% to 100% or 200%, and extending the "actual deduction ratio" "75%" policy time limit and so on.


  4. Accurately locate the technological pain points and difficulties of key core industries, increase the introduction of key scientific research talents, accelerate the "local cultivation" of talents in shortage, and activate the endogenous motivation of talent innovation


   Pay attention to the research cooperation projects of top international talents in key core industries, benchmark the level of awards of the same level in developed countries, and increase the amount of research awards. Introduce diversified distribution methods such as equity, dividends, etc., and promote the normalization of the distribution of property rights results according to work. For the urgently needed overseas cutting-edge talents and leading talents, it is recommended to further relax the regulations on the certification of permanent residency, and take assistance measures in terms of settlement, house purchase, car purchase, children's education, spouse employment, etc. While actively introducing overseas scientific and technological talents, we will vigorously promote the innovation of talent training methods in local universities and scientific research institutes, and give full play to the effects of the "overseas introduction-discipline construction-talent training" model.


   5. Improve the scientific and technological innovation evaluation system, broaden the independent space for scientific research and exploration, and deepen the diversified reform of the investment mechanism for scientific and technological innovation


Support the implementation of differentiated assessment methods for scientific research projects, projects, and topics of different types and stages, clarify the priority assessment orientation of basic research, and accommodate the risks and mistakes of technological innovation under the premise that social and economic development can bear. Give universities and research institutes more scientific research autonomy, weaken the management functions of scientific research institutions, and stimulate the initiative and enthusiasm of units and personnel in scientific research. Encourage scientific research workers to actively expand their research fields, cross-cooperate with frontier researchers in different professional fields, and improve the timeliness of scientific research. Vigorously advocate the entry of social capital into the field of science and innovation investment, gradually relax the national qualifications for participating in major science and innovation projects, emphasize the value orientation and resource integration role of government investment, and improve and improve the investment mechanism with government investment as the mainstay and social multi-channel investment as supplementary investment mechanism , To further create a good investment environment for science and technology innovation.

The R&D and application of information technology, biotechnology and clean energy technology must be based on a safe electricity environment to proceed smoothly. Huabao Power Supply and Golden Samurai UPS Power Supply must seize the opportunity of rapid and iterative development of science and technology, decide to closely follow the national development strategy, participate in the 14th Five-Year National Development and Construction, escort the development of national science and technology strategy, and be a qualified power safety guardian , Will be able to share the dividends brought about by the development of the national science and technology strategy in the future. Huabao Power Supply and its Golden Samurai UPS Power Supply are united and forge ahead, more firmly focus on the technical innovation and value services in the UPS power supply field, and forge ahead to provide each end user with the best power supply solution!