2020-06-16  views:2366

Huabao Golden Samurai UPS Power 2020.6.16

1. How to recognize the "new normal"?

On May 31, 2020, the light of Beijing Eslite Bookstore went out, and 50,000 people turned off in the rain to count down. On the same day, the first commercial manned spacecraft was successfully launched in human history. These two representative events mean that after the new crown epidemic, we will face a world that is no longer familiar to us. This is a huge test for everyone and every company. Reflected in the economy, companies can no longer follow the past model, past development speed and past growth mode. We call this entering the "new normal".

This "new normal" has the following main features: 1. The risk of global shutdown, superimposed on the side effects between epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery. When you concentrate on solving the crisis, you may be at risk in recovering the economy; when you concentrate on recovering the economy, there may be risks in epidemic prevention and control. 2. With high probability, the global economic recession is a foregone conclusion. 3. From a medium to long-term perspective, there will be several changes. The global industrial layout will be challenged; a few large companies will be stronger; among them, technology companies, including life sciences, digital technology, and artificial intelligence, will usher in new development opportunities. From an enterprise level, we must live, change ourselves, and create the future; from an individual perspective, we need to live with the new normal and commit to irreplaceability and continuous learning, because we are facing the unknown . As the economy enters a new normal, from the perspective of business operations, three dimensions of adjustment and reconstruction are required: First, the epidemic is destroying the basic principles of global manufacturing, which brings about completely different supply structures and costs. structure. Companies must transform themselves and have new cost capabilities and efficiency levels. If you rely on the original industrial chain to build the cost and efficiency of enterprises, there will be no way to deal with the challenges of the new normal. Second, the uncertainty brought about by the global prevention and control of the epidemic has affected people's lives in all aspects and changed their lifestyles. When the lifestyle changes, it means that the reconstruction of the business model will appear, because business must serve the lifestyle. Third, one of the biggest characteristics of digitalization is the addition of the speed of change, which we call "the current impact." These changes cannot be understood with past experience, but they are in fact an existence beyond traditional cognition. Therefore, the value system must be reconstructed.

2. Five major changes in the business environment

This is speaking from the general background. What should be more concerned is that various industries will experience unprecedented challenges and some essential changes.

Regardless of the state of economic development in the past, we have always been in an environment of economic growth. It is just a matter of growth rate. When the shutdown around the Spring Festival and the global shutdown occurred, we did not have much experience.

Therefore, every operator needs to understand that the entire environment has become more uncertain, changing faster, more unstable, and more challenging.

How do we essentially understand the changes in the business environment? There are five major changes worthy of our attention. First, online and digital are necessary options. In the past, we might think that online and digitization are more widely used on the to C side, and companies that do resource or supply can switch later. But during the epidemic, online and digital have become a must for all industries. Reflected in the lifestyle, everyone try to keep distance and reduce gatherings and dinners; in the way of work, remote collaboration is already an optional way of working; in the way of business, the live streaming is very popular recently, and many companies The family has also begun to take the lead in live broadcast and goods. Second, everything is being transformed into data. This time the epidemic allowed us to truly understand why it should be converted into data. When everyone is physically separated, if you have data and digital capabilities, it is possible to find a direction for value innovation or model innovation. Specifically, when everything is transformed into data, companies can make breakthroughs in two directions: one is model innovation, and the other is efficiency improvement, so as to become more competitive. Third, the return of value becomes the key. The global economy is in recession, and resources must be scarce. Therefore, we must focus more on the value you can create. The epidemic has prompted changes in our lifestyle and life concepts, and we should consume more rationally. In such a context, better companies and better services can be combined. Fourth, shift from a competitive model to a symbiotic model. In the digital context, your underlying strategic logic must change. In the industrial age, if companies want to meet customer needs, they must discuss relative advantages and comparative advantages. There must be a concept of competition, and then companies will win and lose; but in the digital age, the most important thing for companies is not you. To meet needs, but to create new customer needs. Take smart phones as an example. Before it appeared, we did not use mobile phones as terminals. For us, mobile phones were just communication products. But when the smart phone was created, we immediately began to switch, thinking that the mobile phone is a terminal that can help our lives and work. At this time, the space for value release of the entire mobile phone industry has completely changed. Smart phones do not use the concept of "adversaries", but symbiosis with more development partners, co-developed with collaborators and partners of mobile applications, constantly enriching the application scenarios of mobile phones as smart terminals, and creating a symbiotic system. When this symbiotic system created a very large new customer demand, we saw that the industry was completely awakened. Today, supply exceeds demand in many industries, but in fact there are not enough customers. When you need to create new demands and seek new growth space, you must strategically shift from a competitive model to a symbiotic model. Fifth, industrial value and industrial value chain reconstruction. We have come to the age of industrial Internet. Digital technology, interconnection technology, including artificial intelligence have been embedded in various industries. As it continues to be embedded, we will see many emerging industries and emerging values being released. To seek the possibility of sustainable growth under such a background, an enterprise must have the ability to grow together with its industrial partners.

During the epidemic, Tencent, Alibaba, Huawei, Ctrip and other companies all issued "Notice to Partners", providing various possibilities for the growth of the entire ecological partner, and also making their own industrial ecology more powerful to resist uncertainty In addition, in response to such changes, new industries will actually be laid out, including the new infrastructure, 5G technology and new technology value we are discussing today.

3. How do companies seek development when changing or not

What should companies do to deal with the aforementioned changes in the environment under the new normal?

(1). Return to customer value

Whether an enterprise can survive in a market and continue to go on, the fundamental reason lies in whether it can truly return to customer value. If you can continue to create customer value, follow the growth of customers, and even lead this growth, I believe that the company will find its meaning in the changes.

Sometimes we will see that some companies do not follow the principle of returning to customer value in order to seek their own excessive growth, and it may not be able to survive.

(2). Committed to irreplaceability

In any environment, the most important thing for a company is to commit to irreplaceability, which determines whether the company can find the meaning and possibility of its own existence.

When we look at companies that have lived for 50, 100, or even longer years, we will find that they are committed to irreplaceability. They are very simple, that is, how to better meet the needs of customers and whether they can truly Focus on creating value for customers steadily, and then continue to understand customers.

(3). Possess digital capabilities

In essence, digitization is the realization of various technological innovations through connections. In fact, it is to use big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing and other technologies to reconstruct the real world in the virtual world. This epidemic has allowed us to truly understand what is called the digital world and the virtual world. It reconstructs and integrates the digital world with the real world, so that the two can be well connected, and then provide new possibilities and new solutions. When the physical world is isolated, you will find that the digital world is connected. Therefore, even when offline communication is completely stopped, we will find that many retail companies and catering companies are still alive and well, because they have digital capabilities.

(4). Build a collaborative symbiosis organization

This era is turning to platform and cloud, and its most fundamental characteristics are openness, connectivity and collaboration. In terms of organizational management, the organization is required to be a symbiotic organization that can truly perform collaborative management. To be able to form a collaborative symbiosis organization, and then truly build open, connected and collaborative efficiency, so that you and more partners, whether employees or partners in the value chain, can find new growth space.

4. Doing a good job now is the future

In a special environment like today, it is difficult for us to predict what will happen in the future. What we have to learn is not to make predictions, but to have the ability to constantly evolve to respond, and then have the ability to solve whatever challenges we face. There is a story that may inspire us. More than a hundred years ago, the dream of explorers was to go to the South Pole. Finally, two teams are ready, one is the Norwegian team and the other is the British team, they set off at the same time. A month later, the Norwegian team reached the South Pole and returned safely. It took a month for the British team to reach the South Pole. They are actually a little frustrated because their goal is to be number one. But the most heartbreaking thing is that because they arrived one month late, the weather became very bad on their way back, and in the end none of the team survived. Later generations went to study, why two equal teams started at the same time, but the final results were so far apart? It turns out that there is only one difference. The Norwegian team insists on walking 30 kilometers every day, no matter the weather is good or bad. When the weather is good, the British team walks more, and when the weather is bad, they walk less. . This is what I want to share with you in the end. If you want to achieve your goals and do your best, the most important thing is to do your best every moment. Regard every day as the most important day, no matter the weather is good or bad, you must stick to the 30km walk. In an extreme environment, the way to succeed is nothing more than that, doing well in the present is the future.

After the epidemic, Huabao Golden Samurai UPS power supply conducted in-depth analysis and reflection, and determined the development direction after the epidemic: continue to increase product research and development, enhance the digital intelligence of Golden Samurai UPS power supply, and establish an inseparable relationship with partners The symbiosis development model, with products and services as the link, creates value for customers and all partners of Huabao Power, grasps every market opportunity and does a good job in the moment. (The main content is taken from Professor Chen Chunhua's "Spring Blossoms")

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