Application of UPS system in banking system

2013-04-25  hits:3773

An overview,

The banking system is the largest user of UPS. According to the survey in 2002, the banking system accounts for almost 40% of the sales volume of THE whole UPS. In such a high consumption situation, a large number of talents have been cultivated. Banks use so much OF UPS, it fully demonstrates its importance, of course, it also put forward higher requirements for its reliability. But any equipment is not absolutely reliable, always will go wrong, the key is what kind of fault, is congenital or acquired, of course, the bank must not choose the innate shortage of products, and acquired shortage will still lead to losses. Therefore, in order to ensure reliable power supply, we should try to avoid these two problems. Statistics show that the fault caused by UPS itself accounts for less than 30%, while the fault caused by natural and man-made factors accounts for 60%~70% of the total number of faults. Many losses can be avoided or reduced if the causes of such failures are understood and avoided. The causes of artificial real or apparent faults can be summarized as follows (all machine phenomena that cause people to panic and alarm manufacturers are collectively referred to as "faults") :

1. Suspect "malfunctions"

Alleged suspect fault, as the name suggests, it is to point to the misunderstanding that because attend a machine personnel to lack basic analysis ability and did not read manual very well and cause, and although this kind of misunderstanding is not real fault, but already press real fault processing, for instance order a manufacturer to come in person to repair or let a manufacturer compensate for a loss. For example, there are some small capacity UPS below 10kVA, most of which do not use liquid crystal display, but with 4~5 LED LED vertical arrangement into a "bar" indicator light......

Ii. Reliability and availability

The above mentioned causes of the failure of human factors, understand the cause of the failure, you can take measures to avoid. The quality of the UPS equipment itself is another problem worth paying attention to. In order to avoid or reduce failures, UPS applications in banking systems require high reliability as well as availability.

1. Availability presentation

An obvious trend in the new economic era is the widespread establishment of data centers of all sizes, with LAN, WAN and Internet interconnected to form an omnipresent information channel. From People's Daily lives to a variety of generalized social activities, all of the information channel formed a certain degree of dependency, if in any part of the information channel fault occurs, the affected is not a point, but a line, a surface, will cause immeasurable loss, such as in the case of bank management in the county, several provinces management system together, once the failure it would be a no bone chicken. Research by authorities has shown that if one site goes down, a potential customer will leave within eight seconds to visit another site. If a router goes down, hundreds of users may not be able to work on the LAN. If a fiber chamber goes down, thousands of users could be disconnected from the network. As companies, employees, customers, and suppliers become more and more connected to and dependent on technology, the importance of these connections increases exponentially, and the need to maintain e-commerce further increases this need. Whatever your current availability expectations are, tomorrow's availability expectations will be a step higher. Therefore, data center planning should include space that meets future needs.

Two, the availability of modern data centers to consider several major issues

1. Factors influencing availability in data centers

In many current data center environments, uptime is typically set at "five nises," or 99.999% availability, which equates to about five minutes of downtime per year. Downtime typically lasts an hour or more, equivalent to about one downtime every 10-20 years. In general, this is difficult to achieve because of the interaction of many data center subsystems. 99.999% data center availability means that each subsystem has a much higher level of availability than this. Because all subsystems must have a superimposed downtime of 5 minutes or less. These factors therefore need to be carefully considered, especially when determining the cost of reducing downtime.

Each subsystem should be considered when initiating, upgrading, or reviewing a data center. Because they have a huge impact on the health and downtime of the data center. The solution for the data center should not be "all", but should focus on the quality of the product provided. The availability of one subsystem may be as high as five nines, but there are other subsystems that are not as high, resulting in a low level of availability for the entire system.

To achieve high availability of the overall system, it is necessary to "configure" availability by subsystem. Because each subsystem has different levels of actual availability, each subsystem has different availability goals. For example, the availability of water-cooled transformers may be very high, but the availability of multiple moving parts in a pumping water system is usually low. As a result, the transformer design usability standard may be seven nines, while the pump may be limited to six nines and so on. By assigning availability levels to different subsystems to design the availability goals, you can enable the overall system to achieve the availability goals when applying the solution to the data center.

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